I'm currently recovering from a super-short pixie cut I had this summer. It was cute, but you couldn't really do that much with it so I decided to grow it out again. I want a middy, or at least a proper bob! In the meantime, I have an ugly in-between hair that is pretty hard to get to look good.
I've been experimenting with waves, and I'm slowly improving. I do a wet set with about 30 foam rollers every night and then I take about 10-15 minutes of brushing out the curls in the morning. I've also cut back majorly on washing my hair. I used to be a compulsive "once or twice a day"-washer, but now I only wash it about twice a week. On the nights when I don't wash it, I use a light conditioner, which is enough to spruce it up. I've noticed my waves look best on the third day after I wash my hair; smooth and easy to style, but not the least bit greasy. With the waves it looks OK, but honestly, I can't wait for it to grow a bit!
Ja, man ved aldrig rigtigt, hvad man har, førend man har mistet det :–)
SvaraRaderaMen du ser fantastisk ud alligevel...!
Det är barmhärtigt med mörkt hår - det döljer en del skavanker i läggningen! :)
SvaraRaderaYour hair looks great, I don't know what you're talking about! I wish I could get my hair to wave. I feel a frustrated blog post about my lack of waving ability coming on sometime soon!
SvaraRaderaI think your hair looks lovely! I don't pull off waves so well, my face look too long, but ýou suit them very well! I love the middy cut, though- best haircut I ever had.
SvaraRaderaJag tycker du ser bedårande ut i dina vågor!
SvaraRaderaTackar! Din längd vore f ö perfekt!